
Guidelines for the submission of a dataset

If you have data describing new sORFs, we would be happy to integrate them in our database. Nevertheless, the processing of data by MetamORF is computationally heavy and integration of new data cannot be fully automatized. So please contact us to discuss about this.

Please note that:

Here are some additionnal guidelines regarding the preferred format to facilitate the integration of your data in MetamORF. Feel free to contact us if you have any question.

Here are some essential information we need to get in order to integrate your data in MetamORF:

For each ORF in the dataset, the following information are expected be provided:

All elements marked with a are mandatory.
All elements marked with a will be computed by our algorithm if you do not provide it.
All elements marked with a will be computed by our algorithm if you do not provide it but provided a transcript identifier.

Please note that comma-separated and tab-separated files in which each line describe one single ORF are preferred. FASTA and BED-like formats (with additionnal columns) are allowed for submission when clear metadata about the content of each attribute are provided.

In the case you provide information about ORFs identify:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any question regarding the submission of your dataset to be included in MetamORF.